Colin Fleming
official author site
Colin Fleming is the author of eight books and myriad forms of fiction who is also an expert in--and writes widely on--film, literature, music, art, sports, science and nature, and current and cultural events and ideas.
His most recent books are Sam Cooke: Live at the Harlem Square Club, 1963, an entry in Bloomsbury's 33 1/3 series, Scrooge, which is about the 1951 Alastair Sim classic as the ultimate horror film, and a work of fiction, If You [ ]: Fabula, Fantasy, F**kery, Hope.
His short fiction appears in Harper’s, Commentary, Glimmer Train, VQR, Boulevard, AGNI, Cincinnati Review, Conjunctions, Salmagundi, PEN America, TriQuarterly, The Iowa Review, Black Clock, London Magazine, and Post Road.
His writings have ran in The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, Salon, The New York Times Book Review, MOJO, ARTnews, The Spectator, The Daily Beast, Sports Illustrated, The American Interest, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Washington Post, JazzTimes, The Wilson Quarterly, The New Yorker, The Oxford American, The New Statesman, The Guardian, Art in America,The Believer, Gramophone, Film Comment, The Boston Globe, Smithsonian, DownBeat, The Village Voice, Spin, Architectural Record, Esquire, Vanity Fair, Slate, BookForum, The Smart Set, Vibe, Times Literary Supplement, Los Angeles Times, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Fanfare, Quillette, The Weekly Standard, Vice, Cineaste, Metropolis, The Boston Phoenix, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, DownBeat, The Barnes and Noble Review, ESPN The Magazine, and The New Criterion, among many other venues.
Op-eds appear regularly in the most highly-trafficked sections of a wide range of papers and magazines, such as The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Time, the New York Post, The St. Louis-Post Dispatch, the New York Daily News, The New York Times, The Dallas Morning News. His published output of opinion pieces is larger than anyone's has ever been who was not a full-time columnist.
He also authors the Many Moments More blog, which was launched in June 2018 and has been written as a series of unique books in plain view of the public, documenting what it is like to live as an artist in these times and covering art, music, film, literature, sports, health, nature, the mores of people, and the world in which we live, while detailing the maladies that riddle the publishing industry and how they contribute to people reading less and less.
At three million words, it's the longest sustained work of literature in history. You can sign up below for regular updates, if you would like.
He has been interviewed hundreds of times on radio and podcasts, after having begun as a regular contributor to NPR.
Previous books include Dark March: Stories for When the Rest of the World is Asleep, Between Cloud and Horizon: A Relationship Casebook in Stories, The Anglerfish Comedy Troupe: Stories from the Abyss, and Buried on the Beaches: Cape Stories For Hooked Hearts and Driftwood Souls, and Meatheads Say the Realest Things: A Satirical (Short) Novel of the Last Bro.
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* (A note on the various sections. The links represent just a few years' worth of published output in most cases. Every effort is being made to bring the sections up to date, with about 1000 links left to go, but the sections will necessarily always be piecemeal, due to links coming down, venues ceasing, and certain works never being made available online. The site is intended as a unique online museum of one author's writings and art, and though the wings/galleries are not yet as full as they will be, you should find plenty to keep you busy as everything else is filled in. Your patience is appreciated.)