Tuesday 12/19/23
I feel like offense in the NBA right now is like that of the NHL in 1981-82 or baseball in 1930. It's just too easy to score.
Finished this piece on an odd Christmas horror film from the mid-1940s. 2000 words.
Wrote a letter on behalf of The Solution. It took a while. At the least, it accurately summarizes what the book is about. And to an extent what I'm about.
Downloaded Gene Autry's complete Columbia Christmas sides.
The Celtics are playing the Warriors in California tonight. It's probably too ambitious to think I'll be able to stay up for that.
The other day I watched Have Gun, Will Travel, Wanted: Dead or Alive, and The Rifleman back to back to back. It's striking how much the quality stands out with shows like these--which were intended as "regular" fare--with what one finds now.
Found a more complete recording of Miles Davis's 1967 Pleyel gig--with his Second Great Quintet--than the officially released version.
This is a film called Jackie McLean on Mars (1979). I find it fascinating. I'd like to write on it.