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Film book #1/book #7

Sunday 12/19/21

Available via Amazon, Amazon UK, wherever else one likes to get books, or at 50% off until the end of the year through the UK publisher Liverpool University Press with the promo code WINTER21 or here in the States via the American distributor Oxford University Press with the promo code 50LUP2021 (including for the ebook).

I guess l should say that it's more than a book about Scrooge. Don't get me wrong--it has everything, I think, one could ever want about this movie. How it was made, what talents were possessed by those who made it, the careers and lives of those people, how those talents came together, what this film meant in British film history, how it works as a horror film, both then, in the decades since, and now, when it's especially relevant to these times. The life of the film over those decades. What people thought about it. How it's different than any other adaptation of A Christmas Carol. What makes it a unique work of art. What makes it one of our greatest horror movies and a movie for all times of the year. What was considered too dark for audiences for a long time. What makes the film so touching and beautiful, too. It's a book about this film, but also about the power of film, and the power of art. And it also contains some elements of my own story, as a boy who discovered this movie when he was terrified that he'd soon lose his family and his home. And my own story in my forties, when I did lose a home, and someone I trusted with my entire life, and this movie came to me once more, in the dead of night.

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