Tuesday 10/1/24
We'll do another Pete Rose one. We talked about his raping earlier, in addition to providing facts about who he was as a ballplayer, but here are a couple more of those.
Pete Rose appeared in fourteen postseason series. He was on three World Series champions. His Reds teams, from when they acquired Joe Morgan--a markedly better ballplayer than Rose--in 1972 through 1976, featured one of the great rosters--run of rosters, if you want--in modern baseball history.
Want to say that the 1976 Reds are one of the top ten teams in baseball history? I'd agree with you.
(Though I think with Jim Rice and/or Bill Lee not acting like a dumbass, the Sox could have clipped them in 1975.)
You had the best catcher of all-time in Johnny Bench, one of the twelve or fifteen greatest players of all-time in Joe Morgan, a Hall of Famer in Tony Perez, Rose himself, and then someone like George Foster, who was an MVP in his own right.
The pitching staff didn't boast a dominant ace, but it was more than serviceable. Defensively, Morgan could pick it, Bench was a defensive stud, and shortstop Dave Concepcion--who had a bit of punch of his own at the dish--was very good.
These guys could hit, the line-up was scary, and the nickname Big Red Machine referred to that offense above all.
So Rose played in the postseason a lot with that unit.
In those fourteen career postseason series, Pete Rose never had more than two RBI in any one of them.
I've seen so many things today from people who have no problem, I guess, with raping children--I feel like that's a problem--who are also calling this guy the best player ever. Best hitter ever. It's him and Ted Williams. It's him and Babe Ruth. Or it's just him.
Now, you might think, "Pete wasn't driving people in because he was busy scoring runs himself!"
Uh huh.
In those fourteen postseason series, Pete Rose never had a single one of them in which he scored more than three runs.
Many of these things I've shared on here today about Rose and the reality of his actual game are things that everyone can know just as easily as I know them. You are free to know things! Isn't that wild? This isn't complicated. It's actually really simple.
