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Monday 4/8/24

Today has not been productive in the slightest.

Was going along, doing my thing, then something happened. Vise-like migraine came on, then I started freezing, despite the warm weather. Even had to turn up the heat. I mean shivering. Felt really unwell. Laid down for about fifteen minutes. I never do that. Then I said, right, enough of this, and initiated a scurvy-in-reverse: orange juice, water, cranberry juice, and about 1500mg of vitamin C tablets, followed by mugs of hot tea. After that I was better. Probably had eight Advil over four hours but when it's a migraine there's no choice. Still not completely normal and will monitor situation and keep drinking.

Worked more on this new story. I was in so much pain though that eventually I had to give it up. I don't know what's what. I'll look at it later.

Watched 1956's The Werewolf--not fancy, but effective, watchable. Likable, relatable characters. Like the next year's The Vampire, an aesthetically successful, low-budget, overlooked horror delight. Snowy, small town mountain setting, a snug bar where everyone gathers, kind people who strive for empathy, a doomed--and innocent man--and his wife and child.

Someone put up a video today on Facebook of the Grateful Dead versions of "Dark Star" from 1969 for the solar eclipse. What a neat idea. I am presently studying this Grateful Dead show from Chicago on 4/26/69. There's no "Dark Star," but there is a "Dark Star Jam." Listen to people in the crowd shout "goodnight!" on the off-beats of "And We Bid You Goodnight."


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