Saturday 3/23/24
Heard this yesterday: "I literally love it."
Not how that works.
Seeing a lot of this construction lately: "I actually felt empathy towards her."
Also not how that works. There is no towards. Not a directional thing.
Useful comment from someone else that I encountered regarding Roxane Gay's commentary about The Whale:
Ideologues like Roxane Gay see the world through the lens of "oppressed groups" and "marginalized communities." Any artistic value this movie had is cancelled out by how it might cause obesity to be perceived as "bad" and people who are obese can be hurt by that perception. Movies (and really all media) are not consumed and critiqued as individual pieces of art on their own merit, rather how they fit into the greater moral patchwork of society. Its a horrible and very closed way to think, but probably inevitable if you spend too much time on twitter.
Useful because not only does it touch on the con/brand of prescriptive self-victimization that is the entirety of the talentless, sexist, racist, venomous, nasty, hypocritical, self-serving, selfish, manipulative, dishonest, bullying piece of work that is Roxane Gay, but it speaks to all of the people like this with no ability, no integrity, no character, no conscience, no shame, no intelligence, whose career is some form of the above and nothing more, for which they are paid and rewarded for those very reasons and because that's where the world is now at.
