Monday 5/29/23
Here is something very few people realize: It's possible to be both right and hateful. Having gotten something correct tends to make that person feel like they are free to express themselves with as much truculence or hostility as they please.
One should try to never be this way. There are people who are worthy of being hated. But it is best not to act hatefully in any regard to them or pertaining to them. Doing so lessens one's self, and one should never lessen one's self. Rather, the intention should always be to go further in the opposite direction.
So what does one do when it comes to people worthy of hate when those people attempt to encroach upon one's life or reduce the quality of one's life? Someone who will do everything they can to cause you pain? To treat you unjustly?
You stand your ground first, and advance second. You stand for what is right and move on it. You state the truth of what is happening. What that other person is about. When attacked, you finish that other person swiftly, and definitively, by being what you are, commanding what you command and unleashing it, but without acting hatefully and lessening yourself.
The very few people who are ever right about anything seem to think that this grants them a pass to conduct themselves hatefully and that presentation--the prevailing bedside manner of a life well-lived--doesn't matter.
It matters much. So, too, does mental discipline. We have to train ourselves to be better, but we must also continuously work at our training procedures, and that requires a steadfast, disciplined approach. Our minds need to be vigilante and tireless in how we examine ourselves and our conduct and in the making and maintaining of standards that are vital to growth and accountability.
Strive to never conduct yourself hatefully. To do so is to behave hatefully towards who you are. One should have more self-respect than that, and be bigger than that, too.