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Open smile

Sunday 2/11/24

Got after it a fair amount this weekend but will need to do far better.

I see that Ralph Malph is on The Love Boat. The Love Boat theme song features the phrase, "An open smile." What is an open smile? Further, an open smile on an friendly shore. Couple mixed metaphors at work there.

Worst time to go to the Boylston Street Trader Joe's: Between twelve and one on a Saturday. Actually left yesterday because the line went around the entire store, which isn't a problem in and of itself because it does move fairly fast, but the way the store is set up almost everything is along the walls. There are no aisles at this particular store, which is underground and not very big. So you can't get anything unless you break through the line or you get in line and grab things as you go.

Instead, I carried on to the museum and went to Trader Joe's on my way back. The man ringing me up asked if I was rooting for anyone in the Super Bowl and I said no, wasn't pulling for either team. He asked if I was a Patriots fan and I said yes and that the good times are over now. He was from Maine and agreed. This seemed to me like a fitting conversation for New Englanders to have.

Yesterday I received a Valentine's Day card--so I haven't opened it yet--from a certain four-year-old buddy of mine. Unfortunately, she had to go to the doctor today where it was determined that she has strep. She told my mother over FaceTime that she would be back in school on Tuesday, which is when her class has a Valentine's party. I was proud of this, of course, because she seemed to have made up her mind and that is part of the Zulu code so maybe she gets it, kid-style.

My other niece, Lilah, is still working on the card she is making me I am told. I saw a video of her last week where she was helping Amelia at Amelia's soccer game--during the warm-up portion--and I texted my sister to say how sweet she was. Lilah seems rather self-composed to me. I have been thinking about what to get her for her birthday in April and am considering the Ramona Quimby books.


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