Friday 2/16/24
You want to write works about which it can be said, "Everyone should read this" or "Everyone needs to read this."
That doesn't mean that they're public service announcements. What it means is that life will be improved by doing so. There's a transaction--a forking over--and what passes from one thing--the work--to one person--the reader--is vital. It's not a commodity. It's beyond that. A difference will be made that otherwise would not have been.
These works contain something essential, which impacts everyone, but at the same time, what that is cannot be gotten elsewhere.
Is that a paradox? Okay, if you wish. If there's something everyone needs it wouldn't seem, perhaps, that rare.
But that's what art is. All the more so, the best art. It is that which everyone needs, something essential to life, which cannot be sourced elsewhere. Or at least not that way. And right there in that one place.
The better you are, the more that's what you're going for. And the more you're bringing it off, too.
I've spent the morning working on "Friendship Bracelet," a very different kind of ghost story, which has had me thinking all of this. It's something else, and everyone should read it.
Sometimes I do the laugh thing, other times I just shake my head and say, "You have to be kidding me."
Still have more work to go on it, but yeah.
