Wednesday 7/24/24
The solution to one's problems is very unlikely to be taking to social media and enumerating them, especially as so obviously unreliable a narrator, whilst doing nothing else.
Declaration is not a solution. No one is on social media to help you. They don't care about you. People pretty much just care about themselves. An altruistic person--an empathetic person--a person who wishes to learn from others and is not threatened and made yet more insecure at the prospect of doing so--is a rare person. They're even rarer in these realms.
Chances are very low that anyone is following you because they find you interesting or insightful or brilliant or funny. They want something in return--the like, the follow--and what you offer them in their view is comfort. They see you as no better than they are. What they lack in, you lack in. From their point of view. That's most likely why they're there and what they want from you. They want to be enabled in being subpar while being able to lie to themselves that they're something else by avoiding contrasting juxtapositions, but always, deep down, knowing otherwise. They want to look to the sides and see you. Or down. They don't want to look up.
That is the nature of social media. That is how it works. It gobbles up your time, your energy, your focus, your sense of self, your perspective, your mind, your ability to reason, your individuality, your mental health, your ability to love, to connect, to actually be alive, to be human.
It limits you. It causes you to limit you. A better you is to be sourced and developed elsewhere. A you who is above all of this. A you who can't be dragged down by it. A you who people don't look at in an attempt to comfort themselves about their own myriad shortcomings and failings and what they lack. What they can't do. What they aren't.
The solutions are elsewhere. Find them. Do what you have to do to make the most of them. And the most of you.
