Monday 6/10/24
"Body count" is a horrible, low class term for number of sexual partners. It's used by the kind of person who also says "butt hurt," which comes from a place where homosexuality is viewed as a pejorative. Don't act like that's not what the term is playing off of, because it is, so don't use it.
This is a new one: Saw a guy order an ice coffee at the cafe, drink off about an inch of it, then top it back off with diet Coke from a bottle he had. How does that drink get invented? Or are you someone who simply includes diet Coke in everything you can? That's a strange way to go through life: "I know what would make this Coke!"
I know someone who believes they can tell when someone is going to die. I asked them just to be honest with me.
People are so desperate to use the term "moral compass" and they have no clue how it works. "If that goes against your moral compass, then just pass me by." What? Things don't go against compasses.
Most people go through life with an attitude of "I will believe anything and everything I am told, no hesitation, doesn't matter how stupid it is. I won't even know, because I'll be busy believing."
"You only live once but you can eat often" isn't a great motto to have.
First sentence of dating profile:
God no.
First sentence of another:
"Thicc af."
Fuck no.
First sentence of another:
"Vertical queen."
What the fuck?
Why do so many people--well, frankly, it's women--use terms like king and queen in describing themselves and what they're looking for?
"I'm a queen looking for her king."
Why are you talking like that? You don't know the difference between "then" and "than," your last three boyfriends had criminal records, four of your six photos feature you and various cat filters so that it looks like you have pink whiskers and a tail, and the other two are of your four-year-old in a bikini and your pit bull. I'm certainly not pro-royalty, but is there even any remotely metaphorical basis to the usage of these terms?
There is basically nothing the fuck out there.
