Thursday 1/11/24
I saw this video from a Philadelphia Eagles game where before the game started, some person at the top of the stadium has an eagle that they send soaring over the rest of the stadium to another person down on the field as all of the morons go "oooh" and "ahhh" and "that's a real bird."
Is this really what's best for the eagle? Because I could see the eagle being like, "I really don't want to do this. I'm a healthy eagle and I want to be outside catching fish, motherfuckers."
I saw this on Facebook this morning:
"Your retorts have gotten so bad I literally can't catch your message. Learn better literacy and try again."
This life makes it just about impossible to go through it if you're an intelligent person. The more intelligent you are, the harder it is. Much harder now, too, than ever.
The Philadelphia Story was on last night. I must confess, I mostly find Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn annoying in everything. It's their whole persona shtick. I guess you like it or you don't. I can tolerate her in The African Queen. Bette Davis is similar for me. Whereas, Jimmy Stewart I like to see in just about anything.
Was watching a thirty-minute presentation of sorts that someone put together on YouTube about Keith Moon's drumming prowess. If you're going to do this kind of thing, it'd be better not to feature the 1978 Shepperton footage of "Won't Get Fooled Again" as what is meant as a positive example of Moon's playing. He couldn't do it by then. I'll go back and watch the whole thing, though.
There's always someone in discussions about who belongs in the various Hall of Fames, who'll say, "It's called the Hall of FAME for a reason," like it is fame itself that is a criteria or the main one. None of these idiots ever stop to think that you just had to call the thing something. You couldn't call it The Hall of the Best Players, could you? It's poetic license.
Got a birthday card for my niece. It features Winnie-the-Pooh giving Piglet a piggyback (fittingly).
Ran 3000 stairs yesterday, did 100 push-ups.
Someone contacted me yesterday to say that they were not going to go to work because they were sick, but then they read this journal and decided to go.
Acquired some honey. Tried some in green tea. It kind of stayed at the bottom though I squirted it in after the tea was made.
I need to be eating better. I eat too much crap. I cannot be croaking at eighty-four.
I think about time constantly. Every second of the day I'm thinking about time.
Downloaded some Jesus and Mary Chain Peel sessions and a collection of their early demos. I think "Upside Down" is one of the greatest musical achievements ever. To do just wow. It's like Orson Welles shooting up at the ceiling in Citizen Kane. Another person doesn't think to do it. The Mary Chain were like, "We'll have all of this feedback noise, and then we'll just make it all so melodious, we'll do it together." There are some people who could think it's unlistenable; there are others who could think it's the most euphonic thing they've ever heard.
Listened to Maurizio Pollini's Deutsche Grammophon LP this morning of 12 Chopin etudes, Piano Sonata #2, and Berceuse in D flat.
Have an idea for a film column to pitch someone on.