Friday 6/21/24
Will be doing a nonfiction prose off soon featuring the work of Kenneth Womack. May just do it every time he has something come out. There's nothing wrong with pitting work against work, right?
Will keep making the point, meanwhile, about someone at Salon. But we'll get into that properly soon enough. And then keep making the case with fresh examples.
The problem doesn't go away by not tending to fixing it--it only gets worse.
More work on "If You Can't Be Honest" and "Dead Thomas." The latter is now fifty percent longer than it was when it was composed and thought of as finished in fall 2020.
I've come up with three strong cover ideas for There Is No Doubt: Story Girls. Playing around with them.
About to head out and run some stairs. Not many yesterday--1200. Also walked three miles and did 100 push-ups. The heat has knocked me back some the last two days and it's important that I do better.
The Celtics parade is today, which means that unless you're a parade reveler, it's imperative to avoid certain parts of the city. I hear the helicopters overhead now.
You don't want to rob one work to pay another. You can get caught up in what you're working on and think, "I can take this from over there for this here," but you have to be aware that later you're going to be working on that other thing and caught up in that and it will be the thing you're feeling that way about. Compartmentalization is very important, as is awareness and discipline.