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From "If You Could Only Pick One to Sodomize, Which Would it Be?", a fiction

Saturday 7/22/23

Marilyn Monroe or Jane Russell?

Lou Gehrig or Babe Ruth?

Ella or Billie?

Bela or Boris?

Gymnast or dancer?

Ralph or Norton?

Picasso or Braque?

Frasier or Niles?

Trane or Miles?

Buster or Charlie?

Your guardian angel or your fairy godmother?

Your past or your present?

Your ghost or what you were before you were born?

Your favorite aunt on your dad’s side or your favorite aunt on your mother’s?

Bert or Ernie?

Cinderella or Snow White?

Honest Abe or Can’t-tell-a-lie George?

The Hamburglar or Grimace?

Last ex or that one from way back?

Initial spouse or current?

Your guarded hopes or your wild dreams?

That Friday feeling or that Sunday one?

The shadows within or the shadows without?

Fear or doubt?

First crush in college or hookup from spring break?

Tourist passing through café or mysterious regular in bar?

Gym-goer on treadmill or gym patron weight-training?

Your heart’s contentment or your heart’s desires?

Local or long distance?

Sweaty or showered?

Rugby side or lacrosse team?

Mozart or Beethoven?

The experiment or the result?

Risk or reward?

George or Ringo?

Payoff or lead-up?

Fish or meat monger?

Physical danger or existential crisis?

Twins or lookalikes?

The one that got away or the one that never was?

Memory or dream?

Fact or truth?

Virgin or whore?

Rose or Blanche?

Vice or virtue?

Your better self or your lesser one?

God or Satan?

Peter or Paul?

Juliet or Ophelia?

A wife roleplaying a nun for your birthday or a wife roleplaying a nun for Halloween?

The thrill of the chase or the bird in hand?


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