Monday 10/9/23
After the lost day of Saturday--a day which normally marks the start of the week for me--I tried yesterday to do things that contributed to getting going again.
I worked more in my head on the horror story that I had mentioned. Did 400 push-ups. Walked five miles. Ran 7000 stairs. There was a criminal event of some sort at the City Hall stairs that resulted in the police telling me to leave (a couple dozen police officers eventually arrived, plus vehicles, and the stairs were blocked off with police tape), so I went around the corner to the smaller stairs.
During some of those stairs I FaceTimed with my three-year-old niece who was dressed as a pumpkin. She informed me that next weekend is Halloween, which I'm willing to accept in spirit, and that Halloween lasts all day (true). She has a no nonsense way of getting off the phone when she's done talking to you, and I like that. All of a sudden she started waving, said bye, and hit the red button in a single unceremonious motion as the screen went to black.
I went to the MFA and spent my time with paintings by Winslow Homer and Fitz Henry Lane, and also in the ancient Egypt section, particularly the museum's impressive collection of cylinder seals. They are dazzling and almost hypnotic.
From the museum I went to Symphony Hall for the Handel and Haydn Society's performance of Handel's Israel in Egypt. I had my particular balcony section to myself, so I multitasked and worked on a Nick Drake project.
During the concert I checked the Patriots score and had to laugh. As someone said to me, "Everyone is now saying about Mac Jones what you said two games into his career, like they knew it all along."
Phoned my mom, went to Trader Joe's. Got sunflowers. Ordered six bags of coffee from this New England roaster I like. The coffee is inexpensive and the shipping is free.
All of these things I did on an empty stomach and didn't eat anything at all until about 7. It's just my practice. And usually just black coffee throughout the morning. At night I drink a lot of lemon water and other things such as no fat milk, various teas for my heart and blood pressure, cranberry juice, white grapefruit juice.
Worked on a story. Watched When a Stranger Calls Back. Listened to Ives Plays Ives: The Complete Recordings of Charles Ives at the Piano. Yesterday marked 2646 days, or 378 weeks, without a drink.
An op-ed came out in the Cape Cod Times on Tim Wakefield, knuckleballs, and life.
