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Tuesday 5/28/24

Fitness-related numbers have not been logged here of late. They've been rather pedestrian and hardly worth mentioning.

What I will say is that I've been out there on the stairs every day, and done push-ups every day. Today I ran fifty circuits at the Connecticut gate, walked three miles, and did 100 push-ups. Yesterday was decent. Walked eight miles, ran 5000 stairs at City Hall, and did 100 push-ups and 100 diamond, or triangle, push-ups, as I've been sprinkling those in. I'm not used to them yet. They're harder. More of an emphasis on the triceps, which get worked, too, with regular push-ups. Mine are noticeably bigger than they used to be.

Went to Trader Joe's and Haymarket. Got some green apples at the Goose. They're harder to come by at Haymarket. At least right now. My dietary parameters aren't set very far apart. There's just so much I won't eat and I don't creative and I don't cook or anything so it's the same group of things. I won't eat eggs. That was one I hadn't mentioned before. Because of the cholesterol. I'm pretty much the opposite of a foodie, I'd say. I just want my heart to be healthy so I can beat these motherfuckers.

Sunday marked 2877 days, or 411 weeks, without a drink. I looked at some photos when I was cleaning out my phone. A friend said I am going in the opposite direction of everyone else over the years, having seen one of me from ten years ago over the weekend and one from now. Stronger, fitter. It's all for one thing. The photos are handy because I can see where I've been and where I'm at. Or I can see if I'm backsliding. Mostly I see progression, which is part of the aim.

The children at the school down the street had their end-of-the-year concert recital today. I could hear them honking away as I worked at the desk.

Went to the Aquarium. Walked to the Common yesterday to see the flags for Memorial Day up on the hill that leads to the obelisk. It's something I like to view and make sure I think about.

Saw a meathead yesterday wearing a shirt that read, "Red, white, and barbecue." Can't show a much better understanding of Memorial Day than that. He had probably just come from a revival screening of A Walk in the Sun.

Celtics advanced to the NBA Finals. Took care of business. Another series where Brown was better than Tatum. They should win this. If they do, it'll be a team affair, because they have the best team. The best roster. The best group of players.

Downloaded the deluxe edition of Lou Reed's New York and the complete recordings of the Electric Prunes. Read Algernon Blackwood's "The Transfer." I find so much less substance in the work of other writers. But it was okay, I guess.

Lay in bed last night working on a new story in my head.


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