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Right time

Sunday 3/10/24

This journal is a formidable thing. I wouldn't want to go up against it. Was thinking that yesterday as I readied some forthcoming entries.

Gave more thought to this horror novel. There have been so few good horror novels. It'll be set in Connecticut in a fictitious town.

It's annoying that you're making me write like six more pieces for this Beatles book, he says to himself, but it'll be worth it. This book started out as what it says it is in the subtitle: a piece by piece guide to becoming the ultimate thinking person's Beatles fan. But it's become more in that it's without gaps. And all of it is surprising at the same time. It's more than what I thought it was when I started it. But I need to see the rest of this through and do the work.

It's important that I get "Finder of Views" done shortly and move through the rest of these novelettes. Quite possibly the most painful story I've ever written. I'm not talking about pain for me in writing it. I'm talking about what it is. But I don't think it's hard to read. As in moving through it. There's so much that carries one. The story is the source--one knows what I mean--of what would be the cover of Big Asks.

Worked on "Friendship Bracelet" and "The Ghost and the Flame." Not done.

Ran 3000 stairs, did 100 push-ups yesterday. Stopped at Haymarket on the way back--got five peppers--and took a photo of some rock crabs in a tote that were for sale and sent it to my sister to show to my buddy because I thought she would like that.

Had a productive conversation with a friend about friendship, communication, writing, parenting, structure, and A to B whilst at Haymarket.

My mother had her check-in with her oncologist the other day. All went well.

Listened to C.P.E. Bach's sonatas and rondos on the Naxos label, with Christopher Hinterhuber (great name--very Dickensian).

I remember being sixteen and listening to the Kinks' Something Else in my room and my mother came in and expressed confusion as to why Ray Davies was singing the way he was on "No Return." The album came out on September 15, 1967. Isn't that when it really should have come out? Shouldn't have been in February, shouldn't have been in June. No, Something Else should have come out in mid-September and it did. It's a mid-September record.


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