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Never just

Wednesday 5/8/24

My sister sent me a video this morning of my buddy dancing to some tunes on a bed. She gets into this dancing and at certain key spots--or at least I think that's what she's thinking--she throws herself down in a dramatic heap. She is a strange creature. How can I not be fond of her?

Then my sister must have taken her to the park where our sister's bench is with some words on it that I wrote in her memory because she sent me another video with Amelia on the bench.

My sister told me that Amelia asks about Kerrin a lot. She asks how she died, too. The other day when I was talking to Amelia on FaceTime she was actually in Kerrin's room playing. So my sister and I talked about that. I think about Kerrin several times every day. Her pain. I think part of that is probably because of my own. She had a hard life during her brief time on earth. I hope she has peace now.

I walked three miles, did 100 push-ups, and ran a minimal amount of stairs today. I got out there late on account of what I was working on, and mostly just wanted to break a sweat. It's been a lot of days in a row. Then it started pouring. No one out. Big storm. Guy alone running up and down stairs. There's more meaning in that image than someone looking out their window would have known. They would have just thought, "It's that stair guy out there again in the rain." It's never just the stair guy in the rain.

Yesterday I walked six miles, did 200 push-ups, and ran seventy-five circuits of stairs at the Connecticut gate. I was dressed appropriately. Shorts, no beanie, headband. Made all the difference. No problem at all.

Keep listening to that Vaccines radio session. Hits the spot.

Wrote something otherworldly, too. For this world. But I also wouldn't want to ascribe or imply limitations when they're not there. You never wish to be inaccurate if you can help it.


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