Monday 7/1/24
This is a letter I wrote and sent on March 15, 2023. I'm putting it in this record so that I can link to it in an future entry. Links in entries are like footnotes. The letter was sent to Melinda Lewis and Erica Levi Zelinger. Melinda Lewis was, and is, the editor of The Smart Set, housed at Drexel University. At the time of this letter, I had worked with her for seven years, after having begun writing for The Smart Set in early 2009. My letter was in response to an email that Lewis sent me on February 27, saying that Zelinger would be taking over the hands-on editor role.
Hello to you both! I am very sorry for the delay! Head has been down, as I try to finish a number of things, including several pieces to send your way. Those are nearly done, but I figured it would be better to not let this linger any longer.
First off: Congratulations to you both on your new positions. That's really cool, Erica; I figure I've probably written for The Smart Set more and longer than anyone else in its history, and it's one of the few--and best--places that does what I think of as a real service in the world; puts ideas first and foremost, and gives people work worth reading and thinking about. Being the editor is an important, impressive job. I'm excited for you and to work with you.
Melinda: It's always been a pleasure to work with you, correspond with you, know you. I have a lot of respect for you. I can't believe it has been that long since that midshipman piece, probably because I always looked forward to our interactions. (I'm also adapting that very piece for inclusion in a book as we speak!) I'm sure we'll touch base from time to time, but I wish you nothing but the best in the meanwhile. You are one of the good ones, and I say that from both my heart and my head.
These are the pieces that you currently have which need to come out: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Arthur Alexander, baseball catchers, Rolling Stones/"Tumbling Dice."
As I said, I'm finishing some others, as it's important to me to keep to this one-a-month routine/schedule. I just want to make sure they're as they should be before sending them along.
Apologies again for the delay, and long live The Smart Set!
