Saturday 6/1/24
"Think of me as a rare book...filled with wisdom, humor, and a few plot twists. Not everyone gets a chance to read my story, but those who do find it quite the page-turner."
She did that triple space after the period thing throughout this note, which also included the line, "Are you a fellow polyglot?"
Imagine saying that to someone? "Think of me as a rare book..." before adding that not everyone gets the chance to read the story--the implication being that they're not worthy--and having no clue how that sounds, how you come across. "Think of me..."
How do I handle something like this? You know how I handle it. With a "Great, good luck."
But I also know, with someone like this, who is that arrogant and clueless, that what they're going to think is that I've somehow concluded that they were turning me down, because I wasn't worthy enough. (An understandable view in their eyes, but still not what they were saying.) Which means that they're going to write me back again, with words to the effect of, "I wasn't turning you down," like someone else couldn't possibly wish to have nothing to do with them after reading the above, let alone find them nauseating. But once I issue the "Great, good luck," that's going to be it from me, as per policy.
"Think of me..."
Yeah. I'll get right on that, rare book.